Archive for 2012

Why Ride on Mower is considered as one the best gardening tools?

Maintaining the beauty of your lawn or garden is one of the most challenging tasks these days. A garden is one of the most important part and centre of attraction of each and every house or office. Therefore, maintaining the beauty of your lawn or garden is very important.
  • A Ride on mower is a sophisticated gardening machine mostly used for enhancing the beauty of your garden. They are basically an electronic machine widely used for cleaning and maintaining your garden or lawn.
  • They are a costing effective way of maintaining a well trimmed and a beautiful lawn in a comparatively short duration of time. Because of the increasing popularity and growing demand of electric Ride on Mowers, they are available in different types with different features. The ride on mower is either powered by gas or is electrically powered.
  • Gas powered ride on mower uses a lot of gas in its operation but have the ability to function with comparatively less power than the other mowers. The longer it is operated, more gas it will require in its functioning.
  • Whereas, Electric powered ride on mowers offers a cost effective way of operation. They help you in saving a considerable amount of money and power. They are environment friendly and highly durable. The only limitation associated with electronic ride on mowers is that, they are confined to a limited area only as per the size of the cable wire.
They consist of sharp rotating blades which cuts the grass finely and evenly. The blades of ride on mowers are placed in such a way that they cut the grass at an even height. Their cutting blades are built and installed together and are used in a horizontal motion. They provide you well trimmed lawn or garden where the grasses are consistent all over. Overall, they are undoubtedly one of the best gardening tools widely used all over the world.


Tips to Sharpen Hedge Trimmer Blades

When working in a garden it is important to ensure that the hedge trimmer you are using does its work effectively and in one go. However, prolong use of hedge trimmers often make their blades blunt and ineffective. Naturally, if you are using the machine frequently the blades will turn blunt down the road. You cannot prevent it but of course you can sharpen the blades time to time, depending on the frequency of their uses. Here is a stepwise procedure to sharpen hedge trimmer blades.
  • Step 1: Put the machines on a plane surface such as a table or any hard surface, ensuring that the blades are facing away from you.
  • Step 2: Take a pair of pliers and use it to open the bolts on your hedge trimmers by twisting the bolt counter-clockwise.
  • Step 3: Remove the bolts and then separate the paired blades.
  • Step 4: Hold the handles of blade tightly, again ensuring that it is facing away from you. Take a metal filer and slide it down the length of the blade till you reach end point. Repeat the process for a minute or two then continue the process with the other blade.
  • Step 5: Check whether the blades are sharpened using a piece of paper. Take a piece of paper and hold it next to the blade, then cut the paper with least force. If the paper cuts easily, it means blades are sharpened, or else you will have to continue the sharpening process with metal filer and again have to repeat the paper test.
These steps are only applicable on hedge trimmers having blades fixed with bolts. If your trimmer doesn’t have bolts, it means the machine is not meant for servicing and you need to replace it with a new one.

How You Let Mower Dealers Rip off You

Are you planning to buy or rent a mower? Be aware! Dealers just need a chance and they can rip off you. It is not always that dealers intentionally do this, but at time it is we who allow them to charge us more than what is deserved. We allow them every time when we lack knowledge or fail to explain what we actually need.

While buying mowers, if you don’t know the terms or details you want to buy, it is fairly tough to get desire deal. Most often, we reach a mower store without gathering enough knowledge about mowers and end up buying products that either more featured than what is required or far less than the requirements. It is not always dealer’s fault who the sell us wrong products that either proved to be over performer or under performer. This is result of our inability to explain what we are looking for and react to the suggestions given by the sales person. After all, they can suggest for the best, but decision is always yours.

Next, you allow dealers to rip off you when you hire a mower without preparing your garden. If you first get the delivery of mower and then clean up your garden to prepare them for mowing, it would take much time. This way you will be paying for unnecessary hours that you just wasted on cleaning up your lawn in renting hours. If you clean and prepare your garden before you get the delivery of mower, you will be saving time and money both.

These are just simple but common mistake we make while buying or renting mowers that give dealers chance to charge us more than what it fair. The next time when you plan to buy or rent mowers, keep these things in mind and save your valuable money. 

How To Tell If You Have Put On Your Mower’s Blades Correctly

Over the lifetime of your mower, you will find it necessary to check over the blades for damage and bluntness and will occasionally need to remove them for sharpening or even replacement. It can be difficult, however, to put the blades back onto the machine correctly – many people are known at attach them upside down, causing the mower to cut improperly. So, how can you tell whether the blades have been put on correctly or not?

If replacing the blades entirely, thoroughly scrutinize the new ones before attaching them to the underneath of the mower. Look for stamped or etched words on the face of the blade saying something like “Towards grass” or “This side down”. Most newer blades are made like this to avoid any confusion.

If you cannot find a stamping or etching, or you are putting the old blades back onto the mower after sharpening them, you will need another way to tell which is the right way. Scrutinize the blade until you locate the cutting edge and follow it until you come across the dull trailing edge – a bend in the blade that points toward the underneath of the mower.

Making sure that you are holding the blade in the way that it needs to be installed, slide it onto the shaft on the underneath of the mower. If it rocks, check that it is settled on the shaft properly, then secure it into place with a socket wrench. Put the mower back onto all four wheels and take a look at the angle of blade. You could even give it a trial run to see how it goes. 

When Choosing Mowers Become Difficult…

If you have ever planned to buy a mower you might have a huge assortment of mowers which rather simplifying your choice perplex your decision making. Of course, choosing a single mowing machine from such a huge variety is no joke, especially when you want value for your money. If you too have stuck in such situation here is how you can overcome it.
  • Consider different factors for comparing similar types of mowers. See their cost, power, safety, weight, ease of handling and clipping disposal to compare them.
  • If you have a small lawn, prefer push reel mowing machine. These are compact, easy to handle and cut grass as per required length.
  • For larger lawns, go for gas or electric-powered rotary mowers. These have circular type of bade which is covered by a protective housing and rotate within. Also, it is beneficial if you don’t want to trim grass less than two inches.
  • Set your preference, whether you want clipping or mulching. If clipping is not your way then opt for mulching machine that cut clipping as shorter as they vanish in the lawn.
  • If your lawn is mostly covered with Bermuda or bent grass then choose a gas-powered reel mower. This machine doesn’t cut grass shorter than two inches.
  • Keep your land type in mind. For plan yard any mowing machine will be fit, but in case if you have a hilly lawn then consider self-propelled mowing machine that make it run even in elevated area.
  • Don’t limit yourself to simple mowers, think beyond and also look for electric ride on mowers for larger lawns. It would save your time and effort.

Basic Safety Precautions That Are Often Neglected

Ride on mowers is the most preferred choice for large lawn maintenance in summers. Reasons, it save manual labor and provides better precision. There are different types and sizes of ride on mowers which are used to maintain small and large lawns, but users often in craze of using them overlook the safety precautions that are though basic but very important. Here are some lists of those:
  • Keep children off the ride on mowers and never allow them to ride. The machine must be operated by the experienced drivers or professionals to prevent accidents. Also, the driver must have the license of tractor mower driving.
  • Tractor ride on mowers provides seat belts for safety, always use them during operation. In uneven surfaces while driving jerks might let driver fall off the tractor. Wearing seat belts will avoid any such possibilities.
  • Always keep the ride on mower up to date. Like any other machines these equipments too need to be maintained regularly. If neglected, it may result into blocked grass collection system and blade operation. Repair with the help of professional mechanics only as it could be dangerous because of the presence of blades. 
  • Never treat it as toy and don’t play around it. Always disconnect the spark plug before working on a lawn mower.
  • Before cleaning make sure to unplug the wire and don’t try to clean up around blades, it can be dangerous. Also, don’t tip it over as this may cause leaks in the air filter or breather.

Empty the fuel chamber at the end of the mowing season and add new fuel at the start of the spring.

How To Give Your Lawnmower A Tune Up

If you want to ensure that your lawnmower has as long a working life as possible, it is important to give its engine a regular tune up. For most lawnmower models, a tune up once a year is regular enough, and this is often performed in early spring – the starting of the mowing season. To get started, purchase a lawnmower tune up kit, otherwise make sure that you have a spark plug, air filter and oil on hand.

You will need to prevent fuel from getting into the carburetor whilst you are working on the lawnmower by closing the inline fuel shut-off valve. Then, drain the oil out of the lawnmower into an approved container (so that you can recycle it later) and fill the tank with fresh oil.

Use a socket and ratcheting wrench to remove the lawnmowers old spark plug, being sure to replace it with a brand new one. You can also remove the old air filter and replace it with the new one you purchased. Take note if your lawnmower uses a foam pre-filter, as you will need to add a couple of drops of engine oil to the filter before installing it.

Carefully inspect the blades of your lawnmower to see whether they need to be sharpened or even replaced. To remove the blades, disconnect the spark plug, place a block of wood in front of them and use a wrench to remove the nut holding them in place. You can sharpen the blades yourself or have a professional do them for you. Reattach them to the underside of your lawnmower and your tune up is complete.

Is A Ride On Mower A Luxury Or A Necessity?

When some homeowners talk about their recent ride on mower purchase, their friends and neighbours often scoff about how they have enough money to splash around on a luxury item like that. But is this really the case? In some cases, these mowers are a homeowner’s only option if they want to mow their lawn, whilst in other cases, a homeowner could have made do with a push model.

If you live on a large property (we’re talking a couple of acres here), it would be ridiculous to think you could go out there on a weekend and cut the grass it with your old push mower – you’d be out there for days. A riding model, on the other hand, enables you to make short work of the grass, keeping your lawns as well trimmed as anyone’s.

If you live on a small property, however, you will probably find a ride on to be an unnecessary expense (as they cost a fair deal more than the traditional push lawnmower does). Their sheer size will also make it much more difficult for you to mow the lawn evenly and without leaving spots. A push mower, however, will be well suited to this work.

The next time you are looking to buy a ride on mower, ask yourself whether it is a luxury or a necessity – your answer will be different to everyone else’s, as it ultimately depends on the size of your yard, how much time you have to get out there and mow it, and how much you care about the appearance of your lawn.
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